Friday, February 28, 2020

BHM 443 -Legal Aspects of Health Care (Module 4-SLP) Essay

BHM 443 -Legal Aspects of Health Care (Module 4-SLP) - Essay Example The case was rather simple and the death of the victim could have been prevented. In fact, the cause of his death resulted from Clostridum difficile infection ( complication of antibiotic therapy ). The patient had dental abscess in which the doctor prescribed antibiotic therapy. Due to the aforementioned infection, the patient experienced severe diarrhea for five days that led to dehydration and shock. Unfortunately, the doctor did not even suspect that the cause could have been the antibiotics administered to the patient that led to C. dif infection. Later, the patient was transferred to Eden Medical Center since he was already in shock and undergoing respiratory distress on November 24, 2005. He died the following day and the coroner’s report showed that his death was the result of â€Å"cardiovascular collapse due to clostridium difficile infection.† What is unfortunate here is the fact that the patient’s death was not related to his mental illness nor its symptoms. Moreover, other medications such as Flagyl could have prevented the diarrhea if only the physician checked the charts well and studied the prolonged cause of diarrhea. â€Å"a cause of action for the death of a child who leaves no surviving spouse, issue, or issue of deceased children, caused by the wrongful act or neglect of another, may be asserted by decedents parents.†( CCP Section 377.60(a), Probate Code Section 6402, Nelson v County of Los Angeles (2003) 113 Cal.App.4th 783). The case was a clear manifestation of neglect from the doctor’s side since she did not even consider the idea that Clostridum difficile could have caused the diarrhea considering that the doctor was even a medical internist. The facility was also sued ( vicarious liability ) since the staff did not even inform the doctor that the patient’s condition worsened as he began soiling his

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